Once you download and install the plug in, you will notice new visualizations named: Album Art 3D, Bubbles, Distortion, Gigertron 3D, Hypnobloom, Ribbons and UpCube! It runs great on my machine, its free and NO spyware. The pack contains seven great visualizations that pulsate, cycle and morph to the beat. Visualizations are colors, shapes, and patterns that move to the music in Windows Media Player Now Playing mode. How do I re-install Windows Media Center and Windows Media Player? I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
Visualization for Windows Media Player 12. These visualizations translate sound into colors, shapes and motion. › ∎∎ Install Windows Media Player Visualizations Christmas ∎∎īy Psychedelia and synesthesia realized through cutting-edge computer graphics technology.